Our Company

Our History

1979: TECNOGI’s core business is the production of impregnated and plastic materials for use in counters and toe-puffs for shoes.

In addition, TecnoGi produces and distributes reinforcement materials and hot-melt adhesives for the shoe and leathergoods industries. TecnoGi has since experienced continuous growth and has established a number of subsidiaries, including:

  • 1995 TECNOGI JASMINE: is a company based in China – Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province, has developed, produced and marketed thermoplastic toe-puffs, counters and other reinforcement materials.
  • 1996 TECNO GI PLAST: company specialized in extruded materials.
  • 1999 TECNOGI INDIA Pvt Ltd: TecnoGi established a Joint-venture in 1999 to process and distribute TecnoGi materials to the Indian market.
  • Two facilities, one in South (Chennai), one in North (Agra), offer cut, skived and pre-moulded counters and toe-puffs to our customers in these regions.
  • 1999 SIPOL: production of polyester and polyammide polymers and hot –melts adhesives .www.sipol.com

Our Mission

Throughout the years TecnoGi has created a dynamic and innovation-oriented group that operates with success in the shoe-components sector.

Our core business is the production of toe-puffs, counters materials and reinforcements for shoes.

TecnoGi has successfully developed an International network and has founded various controlled Companies.

These factors, together with a constant attention to the quality, the service and the process and product innovation, have contributed to the Company’s success.

Nowadays TecnoGi plays a leader role in the world market, with a significant presence in more than 70 countries in all the continents.

Our mission is to be at the forefront in guaranteeing the best products, service and assistance to the shoe brands and factories, wherever in the world they are producing.

Our aim is to develop long term partnerships with our customers.

Our Technology

To be able to produce a full range of materials TecnoGi has developed and operates 2 modern impregnation lines, 3 extrusion lines, 5 coating lines, 1 grinding line.

TecnoGi produces over 11 million sqm of materials for toe-puffs and counters and 5 million sqm of reinforcement materials.The production site and office building in Borgolavezzaro have a covered surface of 22,000 sqm; The production site and office building in Hangzhou have a covered surface of 5,000 sqm.

Continuous research and technical innovation allow TecnoGi to develop new highly innovative materials.

The productive cycle:

  • Raw materials warehouse
  • Impregnation line
  • Extrusion line
  • Coating line
  • Cutting line
  • Packing line
  • Material warehouse

The laboratory is the first step in the construction of our mission. Research of the best materials, a strict selection of our suppliers and the maximum attention to the eco-compatibility of the system, is the basis of our products. Our R&D department has the task to develop and improve highly innovative materials.

For several years, TecnoGi has invested in the formulation and experimentation of new eco friendly materials by using raw materials derived from renewable sources. These materials are fully recyclable.

The latest BIOREL range is composed of fully biodegradable materials.

These results of excellence have been achieved due to committed cooperation with our suppliers (among them the main multinational chemical companies) as well as a laboratory equipped with the most advanced equimpent. Our technicians are highly specialized and cooperate with italian universities and international bodies such as Satra and Cimac, who are well known in setting standards and certifications for products supplied to the shoe industry.

Our Company Policy

TecnoGi operations conform to Italian and European regulations related to environment protection and worker safety/hygienic protection.

Since the year 2000 TecnoGi obtained the UNI EN ISO 9001 certification (nowadays ISO 9001:2015), during 2009 obtained the certification compliant with the UNI EN ISO 45001:2018 (Occupational Health and Safety Assessment Series)”and during 2013 obtained the environmental certification UNI EN ISO 14001:2015 .

 TecnoGi is SATRA member.

Tecno Gi confirms its commitment to sustainability and the reduction of environmental impact by obtaining the GRS (Global Recycle Standard) certification.

Code of Ethics

To ensure a standard of conduct which is respectful and socially responsible, and also conducive to establishing trust between the company and the community in general, TECNOGI has decided to implement a special resolution by the Board of Directors by adopting a code of ethical behaviour. This instrument, called the “Code of Ethics”, describes the company’s basic values and commitments; effectively guiding the behaviour of anyone working in the Company’s service, and specifying rules and forms of conduct that are seen to have positive ethical value.

TecnoGi operations conform to Italian and European regulations related to environment protection and worker safety/hygienic protection.

Since the year 2000 TecnoGi obtained the UNI EN ISO 9001 certification (nowadays ISO 9001:2015), during 2009 obtained the certification compliant with the UNI EN ISO 45001:2018 (Occupational Health and Safety Assessment Series)”and during 2013 obtained the environmental certification UNI EN ISO 14001:2015 .

 TecnoGi is SATRA member.

To ensure a standard of conduct which is respectful and socially responsible, and also conducive to establishing trust between the company and the community in general, TECNOGI has decided to implement a special resolution by the Board of Directors by adopting a code of ethical behaviour. This instrument, called the “Code of Ethics”, describes the company’s basic values and commitments; effectively guiding the behaviour of anyone working in the Company’s service, and specifying rules and forms of conduct that are seen to have positive ethical value. Full Version

Our Offices


Via del Vallo, 7
28071 Borgolavezzaro (NO) – Italy

Tel: +39 0321 88821
Fax: +39 0321 885333

amministrazione.tecnogi@ cert.ticertifica.it

Bonded Warehouses:

Hong Kong, China
Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam
Haiphong, Vietnam
Istanbul, Turkey
Chennai, India

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